Articles on: Domain Names

What does redemption mean?

If the domain owner does not renew their domain within 30 days after expiration, the domain gets deleted from VeriSign (owner of the central root registration for com-net-org extensions) and puts the domain into a Redemption state for 30 days before ultimately deleting it. 

Registrars are given the ability to restore these domains for a fee. The fee is $250 plus the domain renewal term. This is considered a last resort for owners who did not renew their domains before the expiration date. 

If your domain is redemption period, you pull the domain out of redemption by using the form below. 

Pay the redemption fee to secure your domain and have it back online within 3 days. The cost is $250 plus 2 or 5-year renewal fee. 

Redemption Retrieval Form

Updated on: 09/07/2023

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